Call Us: 352-377-5822
Air Quality Measurements
K&A provides expert emissions measurements and monitoring to assist our clients in determining their facility's compliance with air emission limits or to capture control efficiencies.
The measurement of air pollutant emissions was one of the earliest activities undertaken in the evaluation of air quality and continues to be a major permit-related activity. K&A technicians are experienced and certified in a wide range of emissions testing.
Our air emissions measurements team has a broad range of experience with EPA, ASTM, NCASI and many other methodologies. Our emissions measurements and engineering teams work closely together to develop a depth of understanding about related regulatory implications that truly provide quality and defensibility that is rarely still seen in today's consulting industry. This close relationship has made our small company savvy and durable for over 50 years. We know the meaning of "reasonable assurance".
Our technicians also provide initial and on-going engineering evaluations for novel and new designs from R&D to full-scale ambient and stationary source monitoring systems. We regularly provide testing and certification of continuous monitoring systems for common regulated pollutants and parameters such as sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, total hydrocarbons, mercury, oxygen and gas flow in accordance with the EPA or other regulatory Performance Specifications. ​​

Emission Measurement Methods
Our technicians are well-versed with all of the fundamental EPA methods as well as many other accepted techniques for measuring various pollutants. Many of our staff are QSTI certified. All K&A technicians are required to be proficient in the measurement of particulate matter using EPA Method 5. EPA Method 5 is often referred to as the basis for all isokinetic testing. The ability to reliably perform these tests is of paramount importance, as the results will not only be used to demonstrate compliance with current limitations, but also to develop future limits.
K&A has been performing this test and its derivatives for over 50 years. Our technical teams are efficient, accurate, and professional.​​​​​​
Complex Test Methods
Our field staff is proficient in many complex test methods. These methods often contain a combination of wet and dry chemical adsorption/absorption principles. Intimate knowledge of reactions and interferences is of great importance, so we can ensure the most accurate and precise results when testing for your facility.
Along with our ability to perform a multitude of complex wet/dry chemical methods, K&A commonly measures pollutants through the use of Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), (e.g., EPA Method 320). Common compounds measured include hydrogen chloride, hydrogen fluoride and ammonia. By using liquid nitrogen cooled detectors and rapid diluted sampling, we are able to achieve extremely low detection limits for a wide range of analytes.
Frequently Performed Complex Test Methods:
Method 23 Dioxin/Furans
Method 26 Hydrogen Chloride, Halides, Halogens
Method 29 Metals
Method 30A/B Sorbent Trap Mercury
Method 201A PM10/PM2.5
Method 202 Condensable Particulate
Method 321 Hydrogen Chloride
Continuous Monitor Sampling
K&A is able to coordinate the installation and calibrate Continuous Emissions Monitoring (CEMS) systems for a variety of analytes. ​If your facility is required to maintain and operate a CEMS, then the system will require annual accuracy audits. Our testing team has in-depth knowledge of the techniques applied during these accuracy audits and tests. ​
Frequently Performed Continuous Monitoring Methods:
Method 3A Oxygen/Carbon Dioxide
Method 6C Sulfur Dioxide
Method 7E Oxides of Nitrogen
Method 10 Carbon Monoxide
Method 25 Hydrocarbons